
flint is a source-code static analyzer and quality checker with multiple programming languages support (as many as available in lizard).

For fortran, it intends to follow the coding conventions mentioned in OMS Documentation Wiki page.

Many linter software exists, and are giants full of wisdom compared to the midget flint. The goal of flint is to provide a free, quickly installable, and customizable linter for continuous integration.

It also allows to graphically scan the codebase through the interactive circular packing provided by nobvisual (which can greatly help you to monitor the code style enforcement).


Install flint from PyPI’s flinter (because flint was already taken):

pip install flinter


flint provides a CLI with the following commands:

Usage: flint [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --------------------    FLINT  ---------------------

  .      - Flint, because our code stinks... -

  You are now using the command line interface of Flint, a Fortran linter
  created at CERFACS (https://cerfacs.fr), for the EXCELLERAT center of
  excellence (https://www.excellerat.eu/).

  This is a python package currently installed in your python environment.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  config    Copy the default rule files locally.
  database  Create database.
  lint      Prints detailed file linting info.
  score     Score the formatting of a database, file, or folder (recursive).
  stats     Dump stats to file.
  struct    Print structure of the database, directory, or file.
  tree      Visual representation of the score with circular packing.

flint config

It copies locally the default rules for a given language. For fortran it will look similar to:

# Set active to false is you want to skip  rule
# All are regexp rules, meaning you can add new rules simply by editing this file
# test your rule on https://regex101.com/ if needed
    message: Missing spaces
    regexp: do (\w+)=(\S+),(\S+)
    replacement: do \1 = \2, \3
    active: true

    message: Missing spaces around operator
    regexp: (\w|\))({operators})(\w|\()
    replacement: \1 \2 \3
    active: true

# These are rules that span over multiple lines, not accessible by regexp
# You want to edit these rules or add your own, two options:
# - ask us.
# - fork the code.

  max-statements-in-context: 50   # Subroutine of function
  max-declared-locals: 12
  min-varlen: 3
  max-varlen: 20
  max-arguments: 5
  min-arglen: 3
  max-arglen: 20
  max-nesting-levels: 5

You can rename the file as e.g. my_code_my_rules.yml and customize it for your own perusal on other commands. Simply use the -r optional flag:

flinter (cmd) (options) -r my_code_my_rules.yml

flint database

It allows the creation of a database. A flint database contains the raw data of the parsing process. In terms of data structure, a database is a tree. In the most general case, the root corresponds to the project main directory. Each subdirectory is then its own tree node (it goes recursively). The leaves on this tree are functions/subroutines (note that a function can also be an internal node if it contains a nested function).

Here is a (partial and adapted) example taken from Nek5000.

 "type": "file",
 "name": "Nek5000/tools/prenek/glomod.f",
 "path": "Nek5000/tools/prenek/glomod.f",
 "size": 4719,
 "children": [
   "type": "subroutine",
   "name": "glomod",
   "path": "Nek5000/tools/prenek/glomod.f/glomod",
   "size": 135,
   "children": [],
   "struct_rules": {
    "too-many-lines": {
     "num_lines": 135,
     "max_allowed": 50
   "regexp_rules": {
    "not-recommended-use-include": [
      "line_no": 19,
      "line": "      include 'basicsp.inc'",
      "column": 6,
      "span": 7
    "intrinsics-should-be-uppercased": [
      "line_no": 21,
      "line": "      common /cisplit/ isplit(nelm)",
      "column": 6,
      "span": 6
   "type": "subroutine",
   "name": "frame",
   "path": "Nek5000/tools/prenek/glomod.f/frame",
   "size": 268,
   "children": [],
   "struct_rules": {
    "too-many-lines": {
     "num_lines": 268,
     "max_allowed": 50
   "regexp_rules": {}
 "struct_rules": {},
 "regexp_rules": {},
 "top_depth": 0,
 "max_depth": 0,
 "start": 0,
 "end": 136417,
 "start_line": 0,
 "end_line": 4719

The most relevant keys are struct_rules and regexp_rules. Note how detailed the information of each error is.

A neat option when handling databases is the possibility of getting a portion of it (a subtree):

flint Nek5000/tools/prenek/glomod.f/glomod --database nek5000.json

creates the following file:

 "type": "subroutine",
 "name": "glomod",
 "path": "Nek5000/tools/prenek/glomod.f/glomod",
 "size": 135,
 "children": [],
 "struct_rules": {
  "too-many-lines": {
   "num_lines": 135,
   "max_allowed": 50
 "regexp_rules": {
  "not-recommended-use-include": [
    "line_no": 19,
    "line": "      include 'basicsp.inc'",
    "column": 6,
    "span": 7
  "intrinsics-should-be-uppercased": [
    "line_no": 21,
    "line": "      common /cisplit/ isplit(nelm)",
    "column": 6,
    "span": 6

The option to create a database is recent and was driven by the slowness associated with the parsing of very large codebases (if you have a small codebase, the chances this command is relevant for you are small).

flint lint

It simplifies the reading of regexp errors by printing them as tables in the terminal:

>> flint lint Nek5000/tools/prenek/glomod.f

| line_no | column | span |             line            |
|    19   |   6    |  7   |       include 'basicsp.inc' |

| line_no | column | span |                 line                |
|    21   |   6    |  6   |       common /cisplit/ isplit(nelm) |

flint score

It gives the score in the terminal.

An easily parsable one-liner score is achievable with:

>> flint score Nek5000

Flinter global rating -->|-4.09|<--  (297299 statements)

Instead, you can have a more verbose output:

>> flint score Nek5000 --verbose --depth 1

 lvl path                                               rate       size (stmt)
  0   Nek5000                                            -4.09      297299    
  1   Nek5000/short_tests                                7.45       3054      
  1   Nek5000/core                                       -7.10      89601     
  1   Nek5000/tools                                      -4.53      168593    
  1   Nek5000/3rd_party                                  4.45       36051     

flint stats

It shows quick statistics of a given codebase.

>> flint stats _outputs/nek5000_db.json --database -q 3

Worst rated files:
  Nek5000/tools/prenek/mxm.f: -24.23
  Nek5000/core/intp_usr.f: -23.81
  Nek5000/core/mxm_wrapper.f: -16.35

Worst rated functions:
  Nek5000/tools/postnek/big_post.f/get_velocity: -210.00
  Nek5000/tools/postnek/big_post.f/get_coords: -210.00
  Nek5000/core/intp_usr.f/intp_do: -123.33

Regexp most common errors:
  missing-space-after-punctuation: 76746
  intrinsics-should-be-uppercased: 53734
  excessive-use-of-space: 35951

Struct most common errors:
  short-varnames: 11158
  too-many-lines: 3293
  too-many-arguments: 1517

Additionally, it is possible to dump the errors counts to a json file:

flint stats _outputs/nek5000_db.json --database -q 3 --dump stats.json

The created file follows the structure of the database, but contains counts instead of error detailed information. You can make some funny data analysis on your code with it!

  "type": "file",
  "path": "Nek5000/tools/prenek/glomod.f",
  "size": 4719,
  "struct_nberr": 7,
  "regexp_nberr": 2,
  "struct_rules": {
   "too-many-lines": 7
  "regexp_rules": {
   "not-recommended-use-include": 1,
   "intrinsics-should-be-uppercased": 1
  "children": [],
  "rate": 9.921593557957195

flint struct

It allows to quickly understand the structure of a codebase by printing it in a tree-like way:

>> flint struct Nek5000

├ type: folder
├ path: Nek5000
├ size: 297299
├ Nek5000/short_tests
│ ├ type: folder
│ ├ path: Nek5000/short_tests
│ ├ size: 3054
│ ├ Nek5000/short_tests/NekTests.py
│ │ ├ type: file
│ │ ├ path: Nek5000/short_tests/NekTests.py
│ │ ├ size: 2119
│ │ ├ start_line: 0
│ │ ├ end_line: 2119

flint tree


flint tree Nek5000

you should get a fancy circular packing view of your codebase, colored by your compliance with the coding style. The process can take some time for large codebases (in this case it is advised to create a database first).

The real heavy computation is the positioning of circles (and I could not optimize this, since this is taken from an external package, sorry). Time rise if your sources are a large heap of highly nested little files.


In this circular packing, the relative size of circles is proportional to the number of statements stored inside.

Parser limitations

flinter relies on lizard for parsing. For the languages we are most interested in, namely fortran and python, we wrapped lizard parsers and corrected existing bugs. We haven’t done any correction for any other language, even though we acknowledge the parsing is far from perfect. We expect to increase the reliability of C/C++ parsers soon. Any contributions that tackle this problem will be of great value!


Flint is a service created in the EXCELLERAT Center Of Excellence, funded by the European community. logo